Fighting Inflation
Nick has consistently fought to eliminate government fees and cut taxes every year, including votes to eliminate the sales tax on diapers and suspend the gasoline tax.

Keeping Florida Free
Nick voted to ban vaccine mandates and championed legislation to prevent the government from ever shutting down our churches again.

Protecting Water Quality
Nick has lived in Pinellas County for nearly three decades, and he knows how important our environment is. That's why he has always fought to keep our water clean.

Improving Access To Quality Education
Nick wants every child to have access to quality education. That is why he has consistently fought to increase school choice options through opportunity scholarships, voted to give Florida teachers historic pay raises, and worked to expand programs for vocational and technical education. By investing in education now, Nick knows we can give our high school graduates the tools to live their own American Dream.

Bringing Down Insurance Costs
Nick has supported legislation to identify and eliminate insurance fraud, and to fight back against frivolous lawsuits.

Supporting Law and Order
In the Florida House, Nick voted to ban so-called "sanctuary cities" and is an ardent defender of the brave men and women who serve in law enforcement.